Thursday, June 18, 2009

Started off with rubbish picking..
had no partner, so i decided to stick to Eva XD
Hahas, she super cute n fun lols,
got her habit of eating aeroplanes,
pick for not even 1 hour yet, we decided to slack,
so we sat at this abandon cardboard at the beach,
was burning hot, so didnt sat there for long,
killed lots of ants though! XD
So saddist, xing jie n bolun decided to sit behind us,
n start talking ab there games stuff,
then we decided to leave,
slack a while n went to pet tis scruffy dog tat someone owned!
So super cute!
Slack off a while at some random place, then is class outing!!!
Super damn fun loh, played loads of games tat were rather childish,
but all the same, it was fun!!! XD
Had no idea tat julia was tat shy when it comes to guys lyk danish,
but me too, wasnt very willing but watever,
tats the whole point of class bonding!
Next class outing, 26th June!!! YEAH!!! :)
10:49 PM -Life's nth without a smileY
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Results returned, results for math, chemistry and chinese r lyk shit....Oh god, there goes my gpa of 3, so near yet so far, hahasreally dun noe wat to do ab myself, oh well...Watch this fabulous korean drama "Boys Over Flowers"!!!Its so freaking nice! Ah! Ji Hoo A.K.A Hyun Joong Rocks!Kim Bum is not bad oso! XD Argh, but i dun think this craze will last....but Hyun Joong is super cute, Xuan Yi thinks so too! XDWill continue to be one of his fans, lyk he noe i exist lyk tat, LOLS!Anyway, hope tat i have a nice holiday ahead, erm...tats not possible, with all the stuff lined up, is so super unlikely! :(*zzzzzzzz =,=
12:17 AM -Life's nth without a smileY
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Argh! Super pissed off la!There is this stupid teacher who always try to find fault with me la!So super unfair can! Got ppl more slack then me loh, then he/she just zhen dui me!Dun noe wat's her problem...Wah! Sux leh! Can't stand it leh, have to see her face everyday! I tink...On a good note, cca has stopped for the time being due to mid year exams!Ok, is a good n bad ting...hahas, cos today i went with zi xin to get free ben n jerry cones! XDFeel quite sastified with myself, cos tis is the first time i eaten ben n jerry!So suprising rite! No la, cos so ex sia..The queue super long, lyk one whole big round, but it moves quite fast XDSaw most of my seniors n classmates! OMG! I still wan more ice-cream! :)*worried for mid-years...haven start revision yet :0
9:40 PM -Life's nth without a smileY
Friday, April 10, 2009

AH! Such a boring trip to the Eurasion place!
Took lots of photos n ate tis very nice sugee cake! XD
Photos taken from EVA's blog! N one from Julia!
10:19 PM -Life's nth without a smileY
Monday, March 16, 2009
Came back from Ug campIt was a big disappointment to me! I commited a lot of mistakes la.First, the start of UG camp, i did not take the first aid kit along with me.Tat is one thing that i did wrong. Then, is dinner and then the fire. I sux as the fire com ic la. I didn't even contribute much.Most of it is Shin Fung and Cythia helping.Then i left my poncho lying around somewhere after the fire.Second day i was not there. That nite, i commited the most serious mistake.I let our patrol flag touch the ground. Tat i was lyk could i be so dumb.Still got a lot of things that i forgot...i let my patrol down la, lyk totally can.When we tie the shoe rack, how slow and bad i tied! I seriously dun noe wats rong with me.Argh, pissed off with myself....
4:50 PM -Life's nth without a smileY
Sunday, February 8, 2009
-Blog in HIBERNATION mode-
11:53 PM -Life's nth without a smileY
Friday, January 9, 2009
Beginning to appreciate 3k more n more :)
stuff tat I lyk ab our class,
if need to hand in money or any stuff, the ppl auto give one,
dun really need to prompt or even keep telling the class.
maybe the boys need a little bit of motivation, hahas…
Secondly, our class damn zai,
we have tis sort of digital alarm clock in class la,
then some of us go set the alarm to 2pm,
so when at 2pm sharp, then it will ring!!! =P
Actually it depends on the teacher la,
if the teacher is nice, she will let us off,
if she not nice, then she will continue teaching, hahahas.
The homework load is pushing me down…argh
got to keep my head out of the piles of hw, lols!
tink I m exaggerating much, anywaytmr no sch!!! Yeah! Can sleep longer!!! XD -snorts-
10:13 PM -Life's nth without a smileY