Tuesday, April 29, 2008

GOOD LUCK 4 the mid-years ppl!!!

4:49 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Monday, April 28, 2008

Today was so sucky, wai mun came in class n cried,
because of some very complicated issues...i dun
really care anyway, hahas.
then i got back my math test n i just passed!!! Yea!
For my performance tis time, i was very lucky to get a pass!

Was still depressed 4 the whole day though,
how was i to noe tat worser news await me...
I failed my chang wen shuo duan!!!
But i passed my chinese compre with flying colours!!!
Shan't tell u how much, but it's very good 4 me!!!
It made my day :) Lalas

4:20 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Sunday, April 27, 2008

So stress ah…the mid-years r coming, countdown, in 5 days time T.T
I dun really get wat the teacher is saying in class!!!
Nvm, I have other greater worries. It's just lyk I m sitting in ferry wheel
that does not have any intention of stopping.

It just keeps going round and round. No rest ,nothing.
Just a cycle of unhappiness over and over again.
It's gonna be worse when I reach sec 3 and 4, by tat time,
I will be buried under all the workload, only my nose will be visible, poking out of the pile of assignments.

Rmb when u r in primary sch, the only thing u noe is to eat, play and sleep.
U hav no troubles at all. U r carefree and innocent and
it's just lyk you r the only person surviving in the whole wide world.

U can afford to go to many different places during the weekends and holidays.
I hav not even gone to the zoo since P4.
If I have a time-turner, I would choose to wake up tmr
and realize that I am a k2 kid once again.
Those are just dreams and fantasies that will never happen.
Hahas. Enough of all these crap.
This may be the last post till the end of mid-years.

Wish me luck. XD

9:37 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Today chem so boring la... Mr Benny Boey was lyk who nv do the acid n bases assignment!
Actually i didn't do much leh...hahaha, but i ATTEMPTED!
So i didnt get nagged on, he was lyk saying if u dun wan to help yorself,
no one can help u, oh WATEVER =,=
Actually he is ok la...hahas.

Rerun my 2.4 km again, the timing is only a difference of 23 seconds loh,
(credits to Cheng Wai Mun) still got a D anyway. Sighs...ate YAMI yoghurt rite
after PE n got a severe stomachache for the whole of the Chinese and PDP period!
LOLS. We had house meeting during PDP...i m not competiting!!! YEA!!!

Miss Tan was w-a-l-k-i-n-g to us n giving us tat smile ...heh heh heh.
She said smt lyk tat, "Oh, i leave out guides rite?
Then i was protesting, " My stamina very lan one la, cannot go la!!! "
Hui Ying n Zi Min were also against tis idea, luckily she at last decided against it. :)
Phew... Then we did some cheers and leave for the yakult factory.

Went in there n got a lecture n a tour of the factory, n we got free yakult!
Hahas. Reach home at 6.50 n got nagged by mum for reaching home so late.
"Consent form say 4 plus wat, why so late!?" Oh please!!!can u dun be so si ban can?
*rolls my eyes* Yea, tmr will be better! XD PS. Mid-years r coming...wish me luck =P


9:38 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Today is an interesting day... Oh n we had malay test today,
i didn't even know how to read the instructions can..n i all copied from Wai Mun,
n she copied from MY textbook under the table..hahas.
Got a great shock teacher said tat the final EOY exam got malay,
n is counted in the GPA!!! Anw, tats a long time more, no point worrying now :)

During cca for testwork, Michelle was lyk saying that we r going to do an impromptu speech,
then i was lyk so shocked la. Hahas. My topic totally sux!
It is about leaders?! I know nothing about leaders or wat so ever la.
I dun even noe anyting ab Lee Kuan Yew or any imp ppl loh. I nv read politically news one.

Cherie's topic is lyk so damn nice to say can!
It is about the oncoming Bei Jing omlympics and there is so much things to say!
-_- Ya. N i got 6 out of 10...not too bad though, though i m one of the worst few...

Cheryl's speech was so funny la, but it's more lyk a rally. LoLs. We fall in 20 mins late though.
This is the last act before mid-years la, then it will make school life so boring, no cca!
NVM!!! We still have ONE more precious act b4 the handover ceremony! XD


11:29 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Monday, April 21, 2008

After reading Yimin's post, i was lyk feeling so damn emo la,
two more acts then the sec 4 seniors r leaving, i mean lyk so sad can...
NOW, I m going to confess everyting tat i have to say.
I have kept it in my heart for so long n i tink it's the time to reveal it.

For the first few months tat i enter guides, I really hate it.
To me, it was just lyk leaving heaven and entering hell.
Maybe I m exxagerating, but tats exactly how i feel.
I was hating everything ab guides down to the core.

Then the ex sec 4s step down, and the current sec 4s take over.
I was lyk wondering, would it improve my impression on guides or even worsen it?
It was far better than what i have expected. Especially one particular senior.

She was lyk the best senior to me. She was never bias and when you have any enquires,
u can always feel free to ask her. You can't make everyone lyk guides,
but u hav managed to convince me to change my feelings and opinions about guides.


8:57 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Syf training was lyk totally sucky la,
the ppl standard so lyk OMG... mine isn't any better though,
but they can't even do behanti properly la!

The ncc cadets must be sorta blind, rvgg footdrill tons better pls -_-
I was looking forward to getting the boots,
but the guider was lyk heck care...
you will get it next time. Yeah rite, so inefficient, hahas.
Oh watever, now my biggest worry is my exams T.T

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7:55 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

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Enter my world of fantasies
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Eng Ting
A.k.a Et
14 going on 15 (Tis oct)
22nd Oct 1994
River Valley High
Class 2H, 3K
Loves RVGG!!!

Everlasting Love
Everlasting Friendship
Everlasting Sweeties
World Peace
Remain in Fp
Better results
Higher allowance


Irritating ppl
