Saturday, May 31, 2008

The new commander chao lame loh,
shall not mention her name for my safety :)
damn spastic n idiotic, seriously
she managed to make a fool of herself
on her first day here -.-

There was a different set of ncc cadets
who come train us...
two of them ages 15 n 16,
not bad la, more strict n not tat slack XD

One of them is Fang Qi's friend's friend
so indirectly is her friend la,
the "skinny skinny" one >.<
from NUS high i tink..
hope none of them come to my blog
otherwise.....DIE! Lols O.o

4:57 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Monday, May 26, 2008

OMG…today is the most embarassing day of my life!!!
I was going home from school, then I took the 100 bus home.
Then when I board the bus, I scan the card, then no money,
but I didn’t noe, so I just go seat.

Then the driver call me back n wan see my ezlink card,
then I realise got no money, so I pay 55 cents.
That fucking idiot saw the picture I paste over my pic on the ezlink card.
He wan to bring back to check la! WTF! Wats his problem?
Its not only me loh, n why would I wan to go use someone elses card?

=,= Despicible Idiot . In the end, I got it back cause
got someone from rv (non student) help me “scold” the fucking driver,
he had no choice anyway, or else I will file a complaint letter!

1:08 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Today cross country is damn tiring la!
I was the last few!

Hahas, cause I ran with Zi Xin
and we practically slack all the way…
ran ab ¼ n walk ab 3/4.Damn pai sae leh,
cause at the ending point got so many gg ppl!
Oh, who cares? The most imp ting is I completed the run! 
Yea! And my house came in fouth…nvm la.

Chao tired after tat,
went to mac to eat n then go climg the paramid,
was stuck there halfway, aih…really feel so lousy.
Gen, Wai Mun and Xiao Xuan made it to the top, naturally.
Then played and loitered there for a while then took Gen’s car home.
Immediately fell onto bed when I reach home and slept for two hours…
snz..damn tired. LOlS...

11:57 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Today is handover ceremony...
i didn't except it so soon,
although the sec 4s hav take over for 1 year plus,
it felt less than that.

It seems just yesterday they took over,
i can still remember clearly the handover ceremony last year
many ppl were crying and Shin Fung got changed to FP,
n Gladys left.

At that point of time, i have completely no idea what is happening,
i just noe that the current sec 4s r taking over,
i felt so happy then...
but now, yea, they r leaving...
i will really miss them lots, especially those from FP,

of course :)

During UG camp, i was already pondering on this issue,
then Cheryl told me, dun tink so much,
just tink of the present and wat r u going to do later,
dun tink until so far....
suprisingly, tat advice work! Hahas XD

This year handover contains many suprises in store,
something that i didnt really expect,
but i will try my best to
live up to the new post!!!
Congrats to all those ppl
who got promoted...
n FangQi, welcome to FP!!! :)

But now, i hav to face reality,
a new "dynasty" has taken over.
Accept the fact and move on,
they may be great or even better "rulers"
who noes? =P

Jia You, Sec 3s!!! :)

11:19 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Saturday, May 17, 2008

AH!!! I so damn happy!
I got A1 for geo and A2 for history!

It was so unexpected! I got an F9 for history last term...
so overall it is still a C..
NVM, i should be happy tat i didnt fail :)

Today totally sucky ah,
the ncc cadets FORGOT to come to train us for syf
n we came for nth!!!
just to order boots?!!
Hahas....waste time,
but was quite happy tat they forgot to come! XD

11:52 AM -Life's nth without a smileY

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The last post was pretty dumb, now i tink of it!!!!
But i m not going to delete it :)
Its 100% true...

Now in com lab, teacher teaching wat c++ stuff
smt lyk tat la..hahas

And i got lost at the first lesson,
or rather i didn't even bother to start!
Its so boring...snz

Quite sastified with my results so far :)
got an A2 for math (one more mark to A1)
chinese got an A2 (rite on the spot)
science got a B3 (half more mark to A2)
Lang Arts is a B4 (just rite) XD
Yea...tmr is geo and hist
History will be as bad as last term, i bet

12:47 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I m so terribly pissedwith my ******* parents now!!!
They accused me for nothing!!!

It all started with the oning of my com,
I on my com and then it was chao lag...
so i waited for a bloody 10-15 minutes and it still doesn't load...
so i was complaining to my parents,
and i saw that they on all the coms in the house to use.

Hence, i was wondering if it was caused by the oning of all the coms,
so i ask my dad,then he said....blah blah blah
I was lyk wth lah....was quite irritated
I said...shit la, so lag and a lot of crap tocaused i m feeling very irritated.
Then my mum was lyk asking him to off the two coms first and see if its any faster...
then it worked...

Then my dad got impatient caused he need to use the com,
then he scolded me very loud for ab 5 min non stop...
I was trying to controll my temper...
then he went to on both coms again, and it lag again,
and i was lyk pulling out my hair in frustration,
cause i need to use the com for HOMEWORK reasons
and it would be only 15 min (half an hour was wasted)
then i was going wat the hell, not again...

My mum was lyk asking my dad to off both coms
( He was only using one com, he haven even use the other com, he just on it)
then i said fuck, but its was not totally directed at my parents,
it was mostly to release my frustration...and all my irritated feelings
Then my dad shouted at me and my mum joined in...

I was lyk can u all keep quiet and let me complete my work in peace???!!
It then became an arguement and then a fight......
my mum was lyk whacking me with the handle of the mop
and i was trying to defend myself and "fight" back,
i am not the type of person to give in easily

Neither parties won or lost...(one hour is wasted)
(This whole thing may be my fault, but not totally)
Now the person i am still VERY VERY irritated with is my mum...
she has not stop nagging till now,
from 11.00 pm I really (undescribable) tat woman now!!!
I am NOT exaggerating, it's true, believe it or not.....

I m trying to controll and am trying to calm myself down
which is totally impossible with my mum nagging at me now non-stop...
I really dun noe what to do now :(
Oh man...

11:32 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I find tis very comical...hahas

So happy!!! Bye to the stupid mid-years!!!
Hip Hip Hooray!!!
I hope cca is starting soon! :)
Maybe not, i sort of dread the handover ceremony :(
Today math....i didn't manage to complete.
Lost 11 marks...aih
Nvm, i tried my best and it's not my fault
tat the duration of the paper was so short

I m kinda pissed with LEE ZI XIN!!!
Maybe not pissed, just quite irritated.
She cancel out on me la....at the last minute,
cause got music project...WTH!!! Nvm...
i still got my free time anyway! XD
Those who still have one more paper tmr,

11:08 AM -Life's nth without a smileY

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It's gonna be over soon!!! :)
Just one last exam and i m free!!!!!
I m even planning where to go tmr =P

My emotions r so mixed now la!
I will start with Lang Arts...not bad,
hav a high chance of passing

History, confirm fail, no doubt
maybe hav improvement, E8 instead of F9.
Hahas. Science, 50/50 chance of passing

GEOGRAPHY is wat made my day!!!!
I know how to do every question and
it's tons easier than i had expected.
BUT, i may hav made some careless mistake :(
ANYWAY, it is a sure pass!!!

I tink i m getting crazier...
though there r ppl who r more crazy than me.
I slept at 12am n woke up at 4.30am
just to finish studying geo...
since when i become so hardworking??? LOLS...
BUT there r ppl who r worser than me,
ppl who sleep at 3.30am, LYK
Mental Zi Xin.....hahas.

Tmr is math, the most dreaded paper of all!
I must get a gpa of 2 and above!
I must get promoted no matter wat!!!

10:58 AM -Life's nth without a smileY

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Oh no! Tmr is history paper!
Tat is my worst subject unless if u consider an F9 as good...
I didn't really study! How???!
Please dun let me flunk, at least let me get a b4? =P

10:16 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Saturday, May 3, 2008

A excellent useage of Algebra!!! Lols...

Countdown, 5 days more to fun and freedom.
Didn't really study hard 4 the exams..sob
My mum confirm scold me if my results didn't MEET her
Anyway, enjoy the present, who cares ab the future...

First day of exams, the chinese paper so hard..
what if i flunk?????? NONONO..i must be optimistic :)
Won't it be great if i passed!?? Hahas...
Aih..dread science and math paper...
bear 4 5 more days ppl, just 5 more days...

9:17 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Welcome to crazy-wishes.blogspot.com

Enter my world of fantasies
Enter my life of emotions...

Eng Ting
A.k.a Et
14 going on 15 (Tis oct)
22nd Oct 1994
River Valley High
Class 2H, 3K
Loves RVGG!!!

Everlasting Love
Everlasting Friendship
Everlasting Sweeties
World Peace
Remain in Fp
Better results
Higher allowance


Irritating ppl
