Sunday, June 29, 2008

Marching In!!! =P

March Past!!!

March Past plus salute!!! =D


Ok Xuan Yi, here goes (I will be crapping in front k...)

SYF Opening ceremony (Actual)!!! Lols...
Got out of class at 11.30am,
had lunch then cab down to ZH Sec
Reach ZH at 12.50pm, took catered bus to Singapore Indoor Stadium.

Usual ting loh, had rehearsals and ate dinner at 4.30pm!!! (I was starving!)
Before tat, we tried to watch the rehearsals for the other performances.
I didn't go in cos feel lyk staying outside.
After a while, the YA say guides gather, i was lyk OMG!
Ran in to find Fang Qi they all,
first place i check is the TOILET!
Hahas, cos going into the toilet had become a favourite past time...
Then went into the audience stand there,
can't find them cos it was too dark. Ran out again...

Saw FH standing by the entrance, ignored him and ran on.
He was lyk, "Eh!" So i went over.
He then ask me where r the others.
I said no idea, couldn't find them. He was lyk wat, "WAT!!!"
I nearly laugh out loh, his expression damn hilarious...
Hey! Oso not my fault ok! Lols...
Told me tat they weren't suppose to go inside there. I went, "Oh, ok"
Thus, i did the only sensible ting i should hav tot of in the first place!
Call! (Eunice suggested tat)
Hahas, then Fang Qi ask everyone to come back.

After tat all of us sat on the stairs and
the YAs and FH gav us souvenirs n gifts!
So thoughtful of them!
We also present each of them with our specially designed board!
Chao nice one! With lots of photos and messages from us!
We also gav FH (froggie) and tapole smt!
The other ncc cadets oso got a thank you card.
Got one came n thank us tat time his face so red sia!
Hahas! They weren't even expecting it!

OK, here comes the IMPORTANT part!

Xuan Yi listen carefully ok! XD
Syf parade started! Was not as nervous as the preview tat time,
cos hardly anyone i noe coming ma...
had to stand still for a very long time after we march in!
Feet damn pain ah..just endure eh...
Lols...then did the marching forward n kneeling down and saluting ting
Nth much to say here la!
Can't stay for the performance, no choice then take bus back to ZH,
exchange phone numbers with the other guides on the way home :)
Reach home at ab 10, bath then ate some food and fell asleep...ya, tats all!

Aih..Xin Yu ah, pity u missed it, hahas! Trying to make u jelous!
Nvm la, go watch on youtube, ab the same one la!
Only it's just not tat clear, nice, entertaining n fun to watch..LOLS!

Loads of hw n stuff to catch up with ah..die..die..die :(

9:13 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Thursday, June 26, 2008

OMG!!! Today got so many tings to talk ab la!
Didn’t go to sch today, straight away went to Zheng Hua Sec
then take catered bus to Singapore stadium…

Straight away have breakfast, was starving at tat time!
then the first rehearsal start at ab 9 plus,
ended so sit down there n slack till 10.50
second rehearsal, nth goes rong today,
then went for lunch, compared to yesterday,
the food today not bad loh!
Yesterday lunch was lyk nasi brani with lots of veggies!

FH told us tat the next rehearsal is at 4pm,
so we got lyk 3 hours to do anyting we wan :)

(Hey u noe hor ****** lyk FH loh!)
Chao flirt la..some more FH is younger
after we go change into our full u,
me Fang Qi and amanda plus eunice go watch the performance...
the choir with the poms poms bored us to death loh,
decided to go 7 eleven to buy drinks,
come back was lyk OMG cos they all fall in liao!
check attire then slack again..aih
call Jane n Wai Mun up to make sure that they will not be late,
but they were...nvm la, a little bit only =D

After tat during preparing tat time everyone was damn nervous loh...
i feeling shitting! Lols...my hands were lyk numb liao...
but nth go rong la, only the alignment need improvement :)
I sort of move a little during the ceremony, bit by bit, hopes no one sees =P
The coolest part is the kneeling down n saluting!!! So shuai!
We follow the drum beat n command n march one!
My mum say the newspaper say the commander is a girl!
I tot is a guy loh! Lols...
Yimin they all dun even know where me n Amanda r standing,
only saw Eunice n Fang Qi..Nvm la.

Yea! FH say we very good!!! I hope he is saying the truth...should be la
Didn't manage to watch the performance loh, cause the stupid bus came =.=
but i yesterday got see the grand finale! Shawn Tok came down from the top loh...
According to my friends, everyone was screaming lyk hell la!!! Hahas...
Newspaper got say already loh, so shouldn't be a surprise
tmr is the actual one! Wun be tat nervous loh, cos hardly anyone i noe...

Everyone tmr must jia you ok! Tmr we show our best!!! XD

9:06 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Checking time, 30 more min...
15 more min...
10 more min....
12 noon!!!!!!!!!
Then i walked out of the class...

Hurry up get change and tie tat DAMN plaits (Amanda help me)
cos i hav no idea how to tie my own,
who ask them to implement tis retard rule!!!
then gobble some food down...gulp gulp gulp,
n we all walk BRISKLY to the gate...
saw someone getting down from a cab, so lucky!
get on the cab then go ZH sec, cost ab 10 plus bucks loh,
anyway, sch is subsidising, so who cares, lols...

Then get on sch bus go indoor stadium, half asleep on the bus...zzzz
Amanda was sleeping so soundly! Hahas.
They choose the reserves, luckily i m not one loh!
Reserves hav to sit outside without aircon throughout the whole event,
which is lyk a few or rather many hours!!!
Had three rehearsals, freaking long ah...
Breaktime...had only 5 min! Gobble gobble gobble...
Tick Tock...dinner time!!! :)
Ate until so full tat i keep burping during the rehearsal...i controlled it!
Then get on the bus back to ZH sec at 7 plus, can't fall asleep =.=
got the news tat can invite 2 ppl to the syf ting!!!
But no one wans to go :(

Need to noe by today! Latest tmr morning

10:20 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Monday, June 23, 2008

First day of sch, kinda miss the holidays...
today last period is swimming,
but in the end it became taking of height and weight.
I was lyk OMG la!!!
just waiting for the damn results...
tmr leaving class at 12, then cab down to ZH sec,
then take the catered bus to indoor stadium...
stupid la, will miss cca..

Went today with Jia Ling, Yue Yao n Lian Ying to vivo after sch,
the kopitiam there no standard one loh, food republic nicer =.=
but looking at the price, we decided to eat at kopitiam,
Me n Jia Ling then "ditch" LY n YY cos they eat chao slow..
so we went to look at the necklace for sale, so cool loh..
JL wanted to buy a mickey mouse one for arron, but she is BROKE! Hahas.
Then we went to action city n bought a bottle of "pills"
Nah. Its just a small capsule with a rolled up note in it...lols
The minute we walked out of the shop, i regretted buying..
dun noe wats rong with me! Hahas...

8:21 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Joy + Passion

Bliss + Ardor

They gave out a free box of chocolate per person!
Went to my relative's wedding yesterday,
hence i miss the walkathon....
I nearly died of laughter yesterday.

This is wat happened....

I reached the bride's house at 7.15,
then sit down there n stone =,=
then the guy was late loh,
he suppose to reach at 7.30,
but he reached at 8!
Before he could come in,
he hav to undergo a few tests....hehheh

First, he had to blow 31 balloons
and rite love notes on them,
then he had to eat a burger with cheese on it!
*He HATES cheese!* So it was quite amusing to watch....
n drink a glass of milk with cheese! Lols...
Must also sing a love song then he could come in

Yea, then everyone drove to the church,
it was damn boring, a long speech was made,
most talking ab the lord, didn't understand a word ab it,
was smsing my friend, ha, then keep standing up to sing songs...
At last it was over! Then drove to the hotel,
all to be seated n lunch will be served at 1.00pm
n it was only 11.00am!? So sat outside the sofa,
freezing to death....so cold. Drank lots of soft drinks,
free one! I not tat cheepskate la....hahas.

2 hours passed, n we went into the "restaurant"
First impression is OMG! So grand n nice!
Suddenly all the curtains close automactically n all the lights dim...
then a powerpoint started playing =,=
showing the pictures of the couple, plus it was even more freezing there.
Lunch started FINALLY!
First dish served...jellyfish, roasted duck,
fish cake, chicken, mini OCTOPUS!!! n one more dish, forgot wat liao.
So nice! First time eat octo, yum yum! :)
Next dish is shark fin soup! =P
then is roasted duck!

Then there is this yum seng ting
I dun hav a cup, cos i didn't ask for a drink,
so i just stone there =.=

Then is prawn with bean vegetables...
*yucks* gave all the vege to my mum.
we had another steam vegetable dish with mushroom..
dump it all on my mum's plate.
then is roasted duck....
after tat is erm...noodles!
then is red been soup which i didn't eat...sucks
needless to say, jasmine tea...
It ended! then is the jing cha crap,
waste my time ah, after tat I go takashimaya!
Bought Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
for only 9.90! I was totally shocked la!
Shop shop a bit then go queenstown eat smt..
cool sia, there was nearly a fight at the hawker centre,
too bad i was too far to see it,
smt to do with a beer bottle, tats all i noe..aih, miss the gd show.
Finished eating take mrt go home, so tired loh!

Tmr sch reopens....dun wan leh,
still got a little more of hw..XD

4:03 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Went shopping with my mum yesterday for clothes
for my relative's wedding tis sat...ha
Then i will miss the walkathon...haix
Came back from healthy lifestyle course
then went chinatown to have lunch with mum.

Tat place totally sucks can, so old old one,
sorta make me feel uneasy, dun noe y also...
the food there cheep la, but the quality u noe...
then walk all the way to OG...didn't buy anyting there,
so decided to go Bugis OG.

Actually rather go shop with my friends loh,
but then since i hav finial assistance,
i m NOT complaining :) Hahas
Then bought a pair of tights,
plus an adidas handbag which cost a terrifying $82!!!
But i had to pay some of it with my own allowance :(

Then with the recipt,
we went to exchange 2 pearls at the counter in return..
so cool loh, the woman took out a knife
n slice the oyster open n took out the pearl!!!
I was lyk OMG!!! XD

Still can't find a matching top,
hence went to BHG n bought a chao nice shirt!
Yea! Yea! Yea! =D Hahas...
then went JP to hav dinner n go home.

Plus the fact tat i will not be in class on the first week,
pls help to tell me got wat hw! Thx! ^^

Wednesday-not in sch
Thursday-not in sch

PS. Someone ABUSED my name on Fang Qi's tagboard!
That person really gutless, wan say smt dun dare say who he/she is =.=

11:22 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

1. What is the thing you want most?
Too complicated to ans.

2. What is on your mind now?
Thinking of how to ans this question?

3. What type of people do you hate the most?
Irritating ppl who dislikes me.

4. Will you cherish your friendships?
What do u tink? =.=

5. Do you believe in God?
Sort of.

6. How long is your longest friendship?
No idea.

7. How do you want your friendship to be like?
Full of fun and laughter.

8. What is your favourite hobby?
Eh, too many to choose from.

9. What country do you want to go most?
Japan or any Europe country.

10. Who will you go to if you feel low one day?
Anyone tat i tink is appropriate at that point of time.

11. If you have one wish, what will it be?
To have another thousand wishes.

12. What will you do if your best friend is trying to get your crush?
I will just let go. He dun even noe of my existance.

13. What will you do if you have a time travel machine?
Travel back to the day i was P1 n relief all the happy memories again.

14. Tag 8 people to do this quiz
I will not be evil...anyone is welcome :D
Lyk who will wan to do, hahas...

9:59 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Syf training today ah,
totally depressed to see Nicole eh,
dampan my spirits totally,
but actually on second thought,
she may not be as bad as i tink!

Today hor we all got a new "mother"
seems lyk everyone only listen to her! Lols...
tot is a malay loh,
everyone got a shock when we noe she is a CHINESE!!!

Tat F H Chan damn comical,
tat "skinny" guy nv come,
much to Fang Qi relief!
Cos today got a memory game after all the footdrill..
pretty boring leh, F H Chan was the last one,
but MIRICULOUSLY he managed
to remember most wat the ppl wan to buy!
Except tat he keep forgetting tat i wana buy carrots =.=

Today not bad ah, last internal training,
going ta miss school for 2 whole days,
and another two days by 2 hour 45 min each yeah..
not really a good ting la, cos i will miss out a lot :(
but nvm, for the sake of my cca
2+days wun hurt =D (tat much)

4:11 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Friday, June 13, 2008

Yesterday just went swimming with Pris, Yan Tong plus Hui Ying
They were teaching me how to swim u see...
but yesterday i only learn how to float
The dead man float
u noe wat's tat yea, hahas.
u may say BIG DEAL! =,=
but it's a huge accomplishment for me!
lols, they tried to teach me breast stroke but didnt suceed :(
Aihs...but NVM
Thx a MILLION ppl!!! =D

Tmr syf training...zzzz =.=

11:59 AM -Life's nth without a smileY

Monday, June 9, 2008

Managed to complete much hw :)
not really much, still left :
1 si han
1 jian bao
Science assignment
Geo assignment
Article review
Math assignment 8

Yea...ab there
dun feel lyk doing leh...
Interest badge no idea wan do wat,
dun care la, last min then say,
really no mood...wana call up sis n wai mun
then go ice-skating, but cannot contact wm leh =,=
rmb wat happen last time,
i wan ice skating n fell down twice,
got one time i slid on my butt across the skating floor!
Damn EMBARRASING but quite funny la! Hahas...
or maybe go bugis shop with zi xin


8:13 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Friday, June 6, 2008

Haven really done my hw,
at least i STARTED doing yea..not much leh,
mostly math,my mum kept wasting my precious time =,=
i feel lyk a chicken in a coop,no freedom at all...lols
i wan go shopping!

Maybe i should call my friend upand go ice-skating :)
I will be doing project of course >.<

Interst badge going to finish one liao,
left one more clause to go
the other one hav no idea do which one...
"Pretty unusual yeah"

Just got news from Pris tat a snake got into the guides room...

First reaction: Oh, is it still in there?

Pris: uh uh. the staff go put sulphur outside guides room.
tsk. ridiculous. now the snake probably won wanna come out.
and the snake dunno wat come from the ball hanging
outside guides room, the ball with the (toy) spider inside de.
scouts say de .__. (Tat ball ting is a tinny weeny decoration)

Second reaction: =,= Pls lor, come out from tat ball ting, it's not even
possible, so damn small, unless the snake is so tiny
till it can fit inside, yea then it may be possible..
But how did it even get in the ball ting in the first
place...conclusion: the scouts r LYING -.-

Pris: Lols. it IS small, or it cant even glide under the door.
and it can climb? yup. snakes can climb.
=D and he said it was around 15 cm. haha.
REALLY small. anyway. it shld be fine by now.

Third reaction: So cute :) (snake)


12:34 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Some ppl say tat my old blogskin was ugly,
Actually i was getting kinda bored with my old blogskin too =P

Came back from Tricia's house
just completed part of the project
ok, maybe a little of it,
at least we came up with a design :)
Tat was for math, haven even started history yet!
Hahas, in the end,
we end up playing addicting games n neopets,
so damn fun, especially the game
smt lyk tat, damn fun n exciting :)
It was the game in the jelly world
where u hav to eat certain jelly and
not get swallowed by big blobs of jelly...
Lols...still played lots of games XD
Ha...have ta stop crapping now,
or else it would be nv ending ^^

8:18 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Yesterday Cresent Girls' campfire not bad leh,
can see tat they put in a lot of effort,
everyting goes by a storyline...

LOVE the way they set the fire burning!
they light the string tied to the pit to the second floor,
n the fire sort of travelled down!
WHOOSH!!! The fire started n the campfire begin!

Lots of songs n games, got one is u have to send one
representative from each school n guess the song...
and i dun noe any one them, i hardly listen to English songs -.-
so i was stoning on the bench,
cheering occasionly when i find smt entertaining :)
then senior ask the front bench to enthu leh,
so i scream my lungs out when everyone cheers, hahas..

then got one game where u need ta send
one representive from each school,
if it is a girl, she hav to dress as a guy, vice versa
OMG!!! Yu Ting chao man loh! Lols...
got one scout take off his shirt and wear his scarf lyk a bra
so eeeeewwwwwwwwww! But quite funny...

Then there was a part when
all the rvgg ran out n link hands n play,
that was my highest moment,
lyk i m on drugs or smt, but of course not la =P

Then after some more activites,
the campfire ended n we went home, ab 9 plus...
Ha! Next time we will produce an even better campfire then cgss!!! XD

5:01 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Welcome to crazy-wishes.blogspot.com

Enter my world of fantasies
Enter my life of emotions...

Eng Ting
A.k.a Et
14 going on 15 (Tis oct)
22nd Oct 1994
River Valley High
Class 2H, 3K
Loves RVGG!!!

Everlasting Love
Everlasting Friendship
Everlasting Sweeties
World Peace
Remain in Fp
Better results
Higher allowance


Irritating ppl
