Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sept hols r such a bore,
everyday i hav smt on...sobs

Monday: Cid project dicussion
Tuesday:Crime prevention course
Wednesday:Science Centre Cip
Thursday: Topo retest
Friday: Zheng Hua campfire
Saturday: Tats smt (can't rmb)
Sunday: Science Centre Cip

See! I hav no time for my hw at all
ok, maybe just a little =,=

Homework: 1 chinese jian bao
2 bio papers
2 phy papers
1 english essay
1 history booklet of sources
1 math assignment

Yea, tats ab it...still a lot loh!!! Tis sux man...ra :(

10:23 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

OK!!! Exams r officially over…
and ab to start again, yea, so fast rite?
Hahas, received the exam details for the SA2 today =,=
how depressing…lols. Shucks man, so fast.
Today’s math exam was quite okay la, for me.
Some were happy n hyper lyk Wai Mun.
n some others were a little sad,
its okay la…still got a lot of chances next time
Suprisingly i managed to finish the paper…
just left 10 min to do the last graph question…
was lyk panicking lyk shit liao,
THEN, i accidentally sort of threw my calculator on the floor…
damn, there was this loud bom, hahas.
Wai Mun picked it up for me, thanks yea…
hope i can score an A, perhaps…maybe i can, hahas

9:07 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ok...update :)
There's not really anyting to say actually,
just kinda irritated with a bossy person..
can't say who he/she is....it's a secret XD
Hahas, being really lame....ok. I shall stop it.
REALLY nth to say la...just commited lots of mistakes recently,
so, i DECIDED to do this! For every mistake i make,
i shall draw a tick on my notebook! Clever rite =P
Hahas...ai yah, i shall post smt after common test la!
Xuan Yi, u got to wait a bit yea...LOLS...
and YES!!! I m very sastified with my bio results!
Maybe not very...just two more marks to my expectations..
Forget it la, my mum is nagging...rarararara
JIA YOU ppl for tmr math test! Cheers.

7:59 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Friday, August 15, 2008

Today had cca photo taking la,
bet i look stupid loh,
screw up LOTS of stuff today eh,
tink i m getting influence by zixin..lols...
FIRST, i was late for cca! Cos hav to fall in by 2.15,
then i reach the toilet by lyk 2.05?!
Grab my full u n stuff n change out of my uniform,
zixin help me tie plaits, then i tie my scarf,
was going to pin on my trefoilm then realised tat the hook ting is stuck!!!
I was lyk OMG n totally panicking! N i was super late!!! Lyk 15 min?!
I was pulling out my hair in frustration!!!
Still can't get tat hook open even after tricia n kristal's help...
THX ppl!!!!! XD Zixin was walking around, totally going crazy oso...
N tricia make a big sacrifice, she gave me the safety pin on her uniform :)
n i wore tat on my trefoil n ran out!
No choice wat, aih, look totally ridiculous :(

Next ting i SCREWED up,
Ting Xiang ask me to help Jia Hui find an extra trefoil,
then i said, i dun noe where it is in the guides room, somemore i m the QM...
felt lyk such a failure la,
it's lyk i didnt even take the iniative to go n lyk find out myself beforehand...

Photo-taking started at ab 3 plus,
screwed it up all because of my plaits, tot it will look nice,
then after cca, look in the mirror in the toilet, was lyk oh no...
Today is a bad day, tmr will get better, tats wat everyone say isnt it?
But since when it is proven to be true?
I m trying to improve myself, i tell myself it is possible...
But in reality, is it? In life there's no guarantee....yea, tats all

Shall end on a happier note, 4 more tests to freedom!!! :)

8:19 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Monday, August 11, 2008

So decided to go je with Zixin n Gen..
they forced me to =,= Hahas..
Went to play some kiddish games, tempory stalls set up there,
Gen spent 9 bucks, we all spent none! Hahas, I so bad hor..
Ate at koba, my stomach was full yea, but my wallet was empty..
with only a measly 20 cents..aih
The feeling of being broke is not tat nice..,
stayed outside the arcade n wait for them, wearing sch u, can’t go inside…
stone outside for quite a while,
then we went to the skating rink to play the game machine there..
didn’t beat the highscore, wasn’t dejected though, went to take neoprints..
then go X-scoop, Gen spent 8 bucks then get a stuff toy,
it was quite funny though,
the “pincers” sort of push the toy off the rack instead of gripping it yea..
I really can’t believe it loh,
Gen check her wallet on the way home
n she realised tat she had spent ab 30 bucks? *gasps*
then my mum found out tat I go outside play,
she was lyk blah blah blah...can’t even hav any freedom nowadays
WATEVER loh *rolls eyes*

N i nv tie plaits one k! Tis is a special occasion :)

Cheers! XD

9:18 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Monday, August 4, 2008

I still can't swim,
i didn't even really try...
I just need to overcome my fear of water, tats all.
It's silly, isn't it?
Comparing to the others, i m lyk far lagging behind la,
next year obs i will be lyk dead,
but we will be wearing a life jacket, hopefully...
feel lyk such a failure la, tis is lyk already the third lesson,
n i stilll can't get the hang of it...
Oh no, how long more will i need to even master the basics?

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9:36 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Sunday, August 3, 2008

This blog is lyk a bit dead yea...
currently to busy to post!
Must wait till i m free, HAHAS

8:42 PM -Life's nth without a smileY

Welcome to crazy-wishes.blogspot.com

Enter my world of fantasies
Enter my life of emotions...

Eng Ting
A.k.a Et
14 going on 15 (Tis oct)
22nd Oct 1994
River Valley High
Class 2H, 3K
Loves RVGG!!!

Everlasting Love
Everlasting Friendship
Everlasting Sweeties
World Peace
Remain in Fp
Better results
Higher allowance


Irritating ppl
