Monday, September 29, 2008
MY BLOG IS DYING!!!Yea...yea
9:56 PM -Life's nth without a smileY
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Depressing news...
eoys coming in 2WEEKS time!?
I mean its lyk common test just over la, wth
No break, nth, the sch is trying to kill us...
We made pizza during home econs today,
pretty nice, but it turned soggy when i reached home =,=
Now it taste lyk bread in water...
ah, but it is still nice :)
Now doing geo research, n i CAN'T find anyting!
Tmr is a bad day, i got to make my la speech...
friday is worse, damn physic test, confirm fail one...aih
Tis whole term totally sux man...
9:49 PM -Life's nth without a smileY
Thursday, September 11, 2008
AHHHHHHHHHH! Was super duper happy today!I got back my progress report! N i got gpa of 3.4!Most importantly, i won LEE ZI XIN!!Hahaaaas! Was lyk totally OMG la!Miracles happen u noe, i didnt even expect to get a pass in history,but i got an A1! Ok, i shall stop bragging!Geo and Math too! My math was the highest of all my subjects...Ok, enough is enough...lalala, i feel lyk i m in heaven now...whee :)Hee hee...tmr got ppt presentation! Argh, n its individual...shucksI will get stage fright! Ha! Tmr then worry ab tat!Hahas, nothing can spoil my mood now!
9:42 PM -Life's nth without a smileY
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Had a great time cleaning up the guides room!Suprisingly, it was not as tiring as i had fact, it was not tiring at all! was pretty fun actually.We were chatting while packing up, learned lots of stuff ab famous ppl in other lvls..super interesting, lots of gossip n stuff, hahas.Really enjoyed myself, wonder when is the next clean up XDChiong off for the Zheng Hua campfire...I really broke my previous record! I took only 10 minutes to change into full guides u!Ahhhhh, really looking forward to the campfire, I have always loved campfires,so cheery n happy and everyone is laughing n screaming!N we won the MOST ENTHUSIASTIC AWARD!Hip Hip HOORAY! Hahas...felt so high at tat time! XDWonder when is the next campfire...LOLS!
9:09 PM -Life's nth without a smileY
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Went for science centre cip yesterday,was pretty ok, sometimes quite boring...yawnsbut each of us had free 7 bucks mac voucher, but tats not the point,set up a booth with Wei Ling, our booth was on balancing butterfly,met some pretty cute kids, small small one, ab 3 or 4 years old?then disaster strike! 30 plus kids ran towards us n started grabbing our stuff...primary sch kids, practically all indians yea, they were pretty rude...pushing everyting n stuff, anyway, they were just kids, who can blame them?Hahas, they were lyk " Aunty, can u help us do tis? " "Aunty, can giv me one? "RAAAAAAAAAAAA! We r not aunties, rmb tat!So got over that n as the culprits leave the scene, all the stuff were all over the floor,some markers n missing n stuff lyk tat, tink they took it practically everyting was on the floor!!!!!Packed up n went for lunch...was determined to swap booths, can't take it anymore, hahas!Then we got the game booth!!!! Yea! There was one super cute kid though..i keep on taking pictures of him :)science centre cip was much much better than the sucky library one...Then we met two extremely cheeky guys Wai Mun was practically engrossed in them..lolsOk, look at the pictures above of the kid! Cute rite? XD These r the stuff tat i did...n I managed to fixed all the blocks into the container!!! :)
9:54 PM -Life's nth without a smileY