Started off with rubbish picking..
had no partner, so i decided to stick to Eva XD
Hahas, she super cute n fun lols,
got her habit of eating aeroplanes,
pick for not even 1 hour yet, we decided to slack,
so we sat at this abandon cardboard at the beach,
was burning hot, so didnt sat there for long,
killed lots of ants though! XD
So saddist, xing jie n bolun decided to sit behind us,
n start talking ab there games stuff,
then we decided to leave,
slack a while n went to pet tis scruffy dog tat someone owned!
So super cute!
Slack off a while at some random place, then is class outing!!!
Super damn fun loh, played loads of games tat were rather childish,
but all the same, it was fun!!! XD
Had no idea tat julia was tat shy when it comes to guys lyk danish,
but me too, wasnt very willing but watever,
tats the whole point of class bonding!
Next class outing, 26th June!!! YEAH!!! :)
10:49 PM -Life's nth without a smileY